EAB Meeting Minutes 2019-03-21EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2019 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 6:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm by Mr. Netto with the following members present: Tiffany Anderson Dana Vignale Patricia Walker Leslie Fraser Arrived late: Doug Garber Absent: Sylvie Duerkop and Christina Crespi Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk 1. Public Comments No public comments were offered. 2. Discussion of Business: The board expressed concern that there is no PTSA representation on our board due to the fact that Ms. Crespi has attended only two of the nine meetings we have held thus far. Ms. Vignale moved that the board ask Ms. Anderson to draft a letter to the MSE PTSA that regular attendance of Board members is a board requirement, and the Advisory Board recommends that the PTSA designate another representative to our Board. Should the PTSA elect not to do so, and should Ms. Crespi violate the attendance rule again, we will exercise our option to vote her off the board. Mr. Garber seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Approval of February 21, 2019 minutes: Ms. Walker moved that the minutes, after revisions to reflect that Ms. Duerkop was present, and the Open House was dated March 21, be approved. Ms. Fraser seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Mr. Netto reported that he had a very positive and productive meeting with Ms. Swain, and he has offered our assistance in marketing efforts. Mr. Netto was also able to obtain a donation of two complete computer workstations and Ms. Swain was very happy to receive that equipment. 5. Ms. Vignale stated that she attended a meeting with Superintendent Carvalho and Mayor Glinn. There was a motion passed at the March 5 Village Council meeting to direct negotiations with MDCPS and Miami Shores Village to discuss seed money for programmatic investment. The Education Advisory Board expressed that they feel Ms. Ysabely Rodriguez be included in the negotiation process. 6. Mr. Netto attended the March 21 Open House at Miami Shores Elementary. He said there were about 60 people in attendance and many questions were asked by parents. He reported that it was a positive event. Tours were also given of the school, and Ms. Swain introduced her staff and the PTSA vice-president. Questions were asked about the status of a full- time police officer at the school since there was once an officer there but that is no longer the case. Dana stated that there are not enough school resource officers to cover all the schools. How the funding will work for these positions is still not resolved. 7. Education Survey: The Board agreed that we will finish gathering survey results and report final numbers. 8. Mr. Netto offered that he knows a marketing professional that may be able to assist with these efforts at MSE. 9. The Board will invite Ms. Swain and her administrative team to attend an EAB meeting and discuss future plans, with an emphasis on the critical importance of a marketing plan. Our next meeting is scheduled for April 18; this will be an excellent opportunity to discuss with her how we can be of support. Ms. Vignale will prepare a brief presentation which will include the marketing ideas we have discussed. The possibility of requesting financial assistance from the Community Alliance was mentioned. Mr. Netto will extend an invitation to Ms. Swain and her administrative team to attend the April 18 meeting. 10. Our Board Report will be presented to the Village Council in July, which will provide us with the opportunity to inform the new Council members of our progress and status. 11. Ms. Rodriguez will research Egret deadlines for future marketing initiatives. Next meeting: Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 6:00pm in the Village Hall Conference Room. Ms. Vignale moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50, Mr. Garber seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.