6:30 PM
The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Ms. Vignale with the following members present:
Tiffany Anderson
Leslie Fraser
Dana Vignale
Patricia Walker
Doug Garber
Absent: Cristina Crespi and Antonio Netto
Arrived late: Sylvie Duerkop
Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
1. Public Comments
No public comments were offered.
2. Approval of Minutes:
Mr. Garber moved to approve the November 1, 2018 minutes; Ms. Anderson seconded and the minutes
were approved by a 5-0 vote.
3. Discussion of Business:
Prior to the meeting Mr. Netto informed Ms. Rodriguez that he had 60 completed surveys that were
collected at Green Day. It was suggested that the next time we have a such a presence at an event that
we wear name tags or t-shirts to identify ourselves as part of the Board.
Ms. Fraser shared that upon collecting surveys, the most common remarks were neither negative nor
positive, but there was an overwhelming interest in private school vs. public school. They felt they had
built a community at these schools and would not want to leave it. Another repeated comment was that
the school was not friendly in their interactions. There was also concern about class size at MSE vs. the
private schools.
Ms. Duerkopf heard that parents would like to have more foreign languages in addition to Spanish
instruction offered. She also spoke with 3 sets of parents who removed their students from the school
because they felt it was not welcoming. Parents felt that on the first day of school, a welcoming process
was not present.
The wish list from Ms. Swain was primarily for technology, and she stated that she will use it for testing.
The board felt that in addition to testing, it would be necessary to provide professional development to
assist teachers in using technology to supplement the curriculum.
While we will put the survey on the website, we agreed that we will reword the section about desired
programs to be limited to the top 3 programs, and Ms. Duerkopf will provide a Spanish translation; the
board agreed that it would like to begin taking active steps to showcase the school. Two events were
suggested: an evening event in February for parents that focused on the role and history of the school,
possibly with the presence of previous principals, and with the assistance of the Historic Preservation
Board to create a presentation. The second event which would take place in April would be an open
house for prospective students and parents. It was recommended that Mr. Netto be the contact person
with Ms. Swain about the above-mentioned events.
Ms. Vignale suggested that some of us, and possibly Ms. Swain, visit Downtown Doral Charter to see an
example of excellent branding initiatives.
Ms. Rodriguez suggested that we remember the fundraising priority as well. One suggestion was for Camp
Lingua, which pays to host their camp at DCS in the summer, may not be able to use Doctors Charter and
that may be an opportunity for MSE to raise some money as well as showcase the school to parents who
may not otherwise be aware of it. Mr. Garber will verify with Dr. Andrews that DCS is not hosting for the
summer of 2019.
Next Steps: the board agreed to review the surveys, which are currently in the possession of Mr. Netto,
during the next meeting scheduled for January 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM. The board also mentioned finalizing
the online survey and preparing a short introduction for the Village newsletter.
There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM.