10050 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, FL 33138
Main Number: 305-795-2207 Fax Number: 305-756-8972
Travis Kendall, Director
Village Hall Council Chambers
10050 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami Shores
December 13, 2018
Chairman Busta called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
I) Roll Call
Village Attorney, Richard Sarafan
Planning and Zoning Director, Travis Kendall
Board member, Harrison Bergman
Board member, Daniel Brady
Board member, Irene Hegedus
Vice Chair Snow
Chairman, John Busta
There were no Board members disclosures.
“Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
Mr. Sarafan administered the Oath of Truthful Testimony to individuals testifying or speaking in
favor or opposition to agenda Items #2 through 3.
1) November 8, 2018
Motion made by Mr. Daniel Brady/seconded by Ms. Irene Hegedus 5-0- To Approve the November
8, 2018 minutes.
Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting 2
1) PZ-11-8-18-82 11-3206-005-0020, Casa Del Sol (Owner), (Agent) Harry Sanchez;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations
and Sec. 600. Site plan review and approval required, for a 2800 square foot home.
Chairman Busta introduced the item
Mr. Kendall requested the board table the item due to incomplete application.
Motion made by Mr. Daniel Brady/seconded Mr. David Snow 5/0-To table the item to the next
meeting on January 24.
2) PZ-11-8-18-84 89 NE 102 Street, Paloma Teppa (Owner), (Agent) Harry Sanchez;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations
and Sec. 600. Site plan review and approval required, for an exterior renovation.
Mr. Kendall requested for the board to table the item due to incomplete application.
Motion made by Mr. Daniel Brady/seconded by Mr. David Snow 5/0-To table the item to the next
meeting on January 24.
1) STPL-12-13-18-86 909 NE 99th Street, (Applicant) Vasco Lopez Da Silva (Agent) Camilo
Tamayo; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of
Regulations, Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for a garage conversion.
Chairman Busta introduced the item.
Mr. Kendall provided a brief overview of the item.
Chairman Busta opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Camilo Tamayo (agent) introduced himself, spoke on behalf of the applicant, and answered
questions posed by the board.
Mr. Sarafan inquired into the difference between the PZ and STPL nomenclature.
Seeing no speakers, Chairman Busta closed the Public Hearing.
- Motion to approve subject to staff recommendations made by Ms. Irene Hegedus
/seconded by Mr. David Snow - Approved 5-0
2) STPL-12-13-18-87 9333 NE 9th Place 909, (Applicant) Sean Brady (Agent) Victor Bruce;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for a garage conversion.
Chairman Busta introduced the item.
Board member Brady recused himself from discussing and voting on the item due to conflict of
Chairman Busta opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Bruce, on behalf of the applicant, answered questions posed by the board.
Seeing no speakers, Chairman Busta closed the Public Hearing.
- Motion to approve subject to staff’s recommendations made by Ms. Irene
Hegedus/seconded by Mr. Harrison Bergman – approved 4-0 with Mr. Daniel Brady
Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting 3
3) STPL-12-13-18-88 1569 NE 104th Street, (Applicant) Alain Gonzalez (Agent) None;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 534. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for a new dock.
Chairman Busta introduced the item.
Mr. Kendall provided a brief overview of the item and recommended approval subject to staff
Chairman Busta opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Alain Gonzalez (agent) introduced himself, spoke on behalf of the applicant, and answered
questions posed by the board.
Seeing no speakers, Chairman Busta closed the Public Hearing.
- Motion to approve subject to staff’s recommendations made by Mr. Daniel Brady/seconded
by Mr. David Snow - Approved (5-0)
1) None
1) Approval of the calander for 2019
There being no discussion, Chaiman Busta called for the vote to approve the 2019 calendar.
Mr. Kendall provided an overview of item, noting he changed that application deadline to fall
on Wednesdays instead of Fridays to allow additional time for site plan review.
- Motion made by Mr. Daniel Brady/seconded by Ms. Irene Hegedus 5-0 To approve the
calendar 2019
a) Application Package
Mr. Brady spoke about eliminiating superfluos documentation for applications concerning garage
conversion applications and the like.
Mr. Kendall requested the board consider requiring a flash drive containing electronic records to
be included along with the hardcopy application for efficiency purposes.
Mr. Sarafan raised the importance of requiring a survey, instead of a boundary survey, to be
included with certain applications, such as new construction projects.
Individual boardmembers offered their respective position on how much leniency to permit with
respect to establishing a documentation threshold depending on the type of work.
Mr. Snow proposed for context photos relative to the adjacent area, specifically photos of properties
across, diagonally, and adjacent, to be included with the application.
Mr. Snow further requested for a tree disposition plan to be included with the application.
The board requested bringing forth a discussion item for the next meeting regarding the inclusion
of a lanscaping plan as part of the application checklist.
Consensus- Staff to bring forth a proposed checklist based on the comments offered by the
boardmembers for future board consideration.
Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting 4
No further action was taken on this item.
b) RFP for Park Master Plan
Mr. Kendall read the motion of the Village Council to refer the Parks and Opens Space Master Plan
to the Planning board into the record. He further noted the intent of the item which is for the board
to consider and provide input on whether it’s worthwhile for the Village to pursue and expend funds
on such plan and to, furthermore, provide specifications to be included in the scope of a potential
competitive solicitation.
Individual board members offered their interpretation of what they believe the Village Council
expects from the board with respect to this item.
There being no further discussion, there was consensus to:
- invite a representative of the Village Council, preferably Mayor Glinn who is the item’s
sponsor, to elucidate the Village Council’s expectation of the board with respect to the
- ask the Recreation Committee to provide input on its desirability for a Village-wide Parks
and Open Space Master Plan
- invite the Recreation Director to provide her professional expertise
- direct staff to reach out to other municipalities with a Parks and Open Space Plan and
determine the associated costs and outcome.
- determine whether the Village Council would like for the golfcourse to be included in the
consideration of an open space.
- post notice of this prospective item in the community center, Village website, and social
media to engage resident input for the next board meeting.
Should the Village Council wish to proceed with a Parks and Open Space Master Plan, by way of
consensus, the board also requested for such draft to be brought before the Planning Board for
recommendations and for a Planning board member to form part on the selection committee for
the RFP.
No further action was taken on this item.
c) Artificial Grass in the back yard
Ms. Hegedus spoke about the research she conducted on the pros and cons of artificial grass
relative to the requirements of other municipalities that allow such membrane.
Responding to questions posed by the board, Mr. Kendall confirmed the Village Code does not
allow for artificial grass.
Mr. Busta spoke about the maintenance of artificial grass relative to pet litter.
Mr. Bergman spoke about the high costs associated with the installation of artificial grass.
Ms. Hegedus mentioned the City of Miami Beach allows artificial grass.
Mr. Snow mentioned the importance of requiring the issuance of a permit for the installation of
artificial grass and for it to be limited to a certain percentage of area.
Mr. Sarafan recommended inviting the Building Official and other subject matter experts to provide
their professional expertise at a future meeting. He further proposed for staff to reach out to the
City of Miami Beach to gage their input.
Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting 5
Mr. Busta polled fellow boardmembers on their desirability for the Village to allow artificial grass in
the backyard. All of the board members spoke in favor of allowing artificial grass subject to various
No further action was taken on this item.
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if person decides to appeal any matter
considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which
the appeal is based.
Miami Shores Village complies with the provisions of the American with Disability Act. If
you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, including
materials in accessible format, a sign language interpreter (5 days’ notice required), or
information, please notify the Village Clerk’s office of such need at least 72 hours (3 days)
in advance.