10-31-1990 Regular Meeting MIAMI SHORES COUNTRY CLUB
OCTOBER 31 , 1990
Present: Dick Thornton, Joe Schwartz, Jule Petruziello, Joseph
Obermeyer, Ernest Upthegrove, Lewis Harms, Jim Meyer,
RichardrHaft, Chuck Hart
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Thornton, at 5 :40
PM. The first order of business being the election of officers
for the coming year, the Chairman requested nominations for
the office of Chairman. Lewis Harms was nominated by Dick
Thornton. There being no further nominations, Lewis Harms was
declared unanimously elected Chairman for the 1990-91 year.
Lewis Harms thereupon took over as Chairman of the meeting.
He then requested nominations for the offices of Vice-Chairman
and Secretary. Dick Thornton was unanimously elected Vice
Chairman, and Richard Haft was unanimously elected Secretary.
I Report by Chuck Hart:
1 . The Optimists Day event held Oct. 24 presented the management
with a terrible problem in the failure of the group to provide
the Club with a proper Certificate of Insurance in a timely
manner. Such action is in violation of the lease with the
Village; the management, in the future, will insist on compliance
with all requirements in advance without exception.
2 . Membership: Renewals - 477 Social
- 273 Golf
- 100 Tennis
- 4 Business/Professional
Totals 854 , out of 973 billed (approx. 88% ) . As of the end
of October, 1989, 70% had renewed, with 18% in November and
11 % in December. When Mr. .Hart took over in March, 1990 there
were 311 golf memberships.
3 . Tennis - As to installation of lights, this project is on ,
hold pending review by management of cash needs .
4 . Pro Shop: Relocation is costing more than anticipated ( see
tennis lights above) . Hoping to have the job completed by
5. Lawsuit: Petition has been filed by Plaintiff to close
the range. Management is developing a plan to redirect the
range, or Village may buy Plaintiff Bell ' s house.
6. Pro-Am: Difficult to schedule date before Christmas and
therefore trying for a January 1991 date, which will work out
better because: 1 ) golf course overseeding complete and 2) more
people will have returned to town.
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7. Major projects still to be completed:
a) Tree trimming - under- way. Estimated to spend $ 27,000
now, with balance to be completed in the spring. Large
tree on the 16th will grow in, but large tree on # 10
may not survive.
b) Gas containment facility - going through an arduous permit
process now.
8. Social :
a) Autumn Ball - 253 attended. Cost wise the Club broke
b) Dues & Booze party format will be changed next year from
a stand up cocktail party to something else. Mr. Hart
is concerned that it is a very expensive tradition.
9 . Drinking fountains on course - the fountain on # 14 will
be abandoned, and the one on # 15 will be repaired. Mr. Hart
offered to install Igloo coolers to be serviced daily by rangers
as requested by the Committee. Joe Schwartz advised that the
fountain at court. # 9 was not working. Mr. Hart will have it
10 . Swimming Pool - Village plans to build a new pool at the
South end of the parking lot, and will continue to operate the
existing pool during construction (approx. 9 months ) . This
will cause some inconvenience. We may be tight on parking, _
which should be alleviated by additional parking near the cart
11 . Traffic light - management continues to lobby for a traffic
light and feels that it is really urgent to obtain one at the
entrance to. the Club.
This concludes the manager ' s report.
II Tennis
Joe Schwartz stated that he has 10 to 20 new members lined up
when the installation of the lights is finalized. There is
a good tennis program in progress, and he is grateful for all
that the management is doing.
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III Ladies Activities
Jule Petruziello reported 7 fewer renewals for the Ladies Golf
Association; program is going along fine. . In response to her
question, Mr. Hart advised that no summer membership program
is being contemplated. There will be an introductory program
to regular membership offered with some type of credit. Renewals
will not be pro-rated, but new memberships will.
(At this point, at 6 : 10 PM, Joe Schwartz asked to be excused
and he left the meeting. )
IV Men' s Golf Association
Lewis Harms advised that the Men' s Golf Assoc. is not represented
on the Advisory Board, although he is on the Board of the Assoc.
V Committees
Mr. Hart requested that the following committees be organized:
Golf - Men' s & Ladies
Lewis Harms will draft a notice to be from both management and
the Advisory Board to appear in the next newsletter - deadline
11 /15/90.
Upon motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6 :30 PM.
Next meeting of the Advisory Board will be held at 5:00 PM on
Wednesday, November 28, 1990.