2014-06-02 RAC MINUTES
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on June 2, 2014.
Members present: Kendra Borja Kristin David Cawn
Jonathan Meltz Michael O’Hara
Christia Alou White Ken Whittaker
Amy Wiborg
Members absent: William Reich Bill Wolk
Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Mr. O’Hara made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 2, 2014, meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Meltz and unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep said that the recreation department will be utilizing multiple facilities for
summer camp this year including St. Rose of Lima and Doctors Charter School. The
first few weeks of camp are already full with the exception of some sports camps.
Mr. Estep related that a second meeting was held with the travel soccer parents. It was
discovered that Miami Shores still holds the FYSA affiliation not the Shores Soccer
Club. Due to the short notice for the upcoming tryouts, Miami Shores has decided to
allow the Shores Soccer Club to continue with the program. Mr. Estep is drafting a one
year contract with Dave Ocampo and the Shores Soccer Club. Everyone involved is
committed to having a successful travel soccer program. FYSA allows one affiliate
within a 15 mile radius of its geographic location and Miami Shores holds the affiliation.
The fee structure for field usage will be a flat $4000 this year; fee is kept reasonable to
keep residents in the program.
Mr. Estep related that Noemi Zaharia resigned from her position as the swim team
coach effective June 6th. One of the lifeguards will take over coaching the swim team
during the summer until a replacement can be found. Mr. Estep would like the new
coach to pursue swim meets and tournaments.
It was noted that the athletic field has been aerated and the lack of use has helped.
It was related that it is not financially feasible to open Shipwreck Cove on a daily basis
before summer officially starts.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.