2014-04-07 RAC MINUTES
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on April 7, 2014.
Members present: Kendra Borja Kristin David Cawn
Jonathan Meltz Michael O’Hara
William Reich Ken Whittaker
Members absent: Christia Alou White Amy Wiborg
Bill Wolk
Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. O’Hara made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2014, meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Borja and unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep gave a summary of the recreation programs at this time. The baseball
program has begun with 200 registered, aftercare has 75 registered. It was noted that
spring break camp had 62 registered. It was noted that Shipwreck Cove will open for
weekends beginning April 12. Mr. Estep said that the Miami Shores Community
Alliance pays for the helicopter for the Marshmallow Drop. A wristband system for this
event is not practical. Mr. Estep noted that the next community bike ride is scheduled
for April 26.
Mr. Estep said that the floor of the restroom at the Tot Lot needs to be repainted with a
nonskid paint.
It was noted that on any given weekend there are 40 people playing soccer on the
fields. Mr. Estep will check on the field marshall on the weekends.
Mr. Estep has put the following into capital budget improvements: irrigate Constitution
Park and fence in the park, which would be used for aftercare and soccer programs;
laser level the athletic fields and installing a stantrol system at the pool, which tests the
chemicals automatically and adds them as needed.
Mr. O’Hara inquired about raising the rates for nonresidents at the pool, as there is not a
large difference with the resident price. It was noted that the pool will be losing many of
the guards this year; many are graduating and not returning. Mr. Meltz inquired about
floating a bond for a new recreation center. Mr. Estep said that the pool bond will be
R.A.C. mtg. 4/7/14; pg. 2 of 2
paid off in about four years. The Village needs to have good conceptual idea before it
goes to the voters. One possibility is to build on the basketball/tennis courts and leave
the present building intact for classes as it is being built. Parking will also need to be
addressed. Storage is also a major issue. Two gymnasiums are needed along with a
weight room. A better commercial kitchen would also be needed to accommodate
rentals. It was noted that there is a three story height restriction in Miami Shores. The
facility would cost between 10 – 14 million dollars. A conceptual idea for this facility is
imperative for the voters. A selling campaign for this facility should be done as close as
possible to the election.
It was noted that the Committee has agreed to go forward with a new recreation facility.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.