2014-03-10 RAC MINUTES
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on March 10, 2014.
Members present: Christia Alou White Kristin David Cawn
Jonathan Meltz Michael O’Hara
William Reich Ken Whittaker
Amy Wiborg Bill Wolk
Members absent: Kendra Borja
Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Mr. Wolk made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 3, 2014, meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. O’Hara and unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep gave a summary of the recreation programs at this time. The baseball
program is just beginning with 190 registered and aftercare has 75 registered. It was
noted that spring break camp will begin soon.
It was noted that this year more food was sold at Unity Day. After expenses, Unity Day
had a profit between $1500-$2000. Next year there will be a DJ or taped music playing
instead of hiring a band. Class demonstrations will be moved to the large tent next
year. Mr. Whittaker suggested extending the time of Unity Day to 11 am – 6 pm. Mr.
Estep said it is dependent on the weather conditions, and the cost of the rides would
increase for additional hours. The Commission had the following suggestions for the
refreshment trailer: having juice as an option for children, trash cans inside trailer,
having napkins/cups and there was a discrepancy in the size of the bottled water.
It was noted that the renovations at the pool have been completed. Mr. Estep noted
that the basketball courts will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 12 – 5 p.m.
Anyone using the courts will be required to have recreation ID cards and pay
$1/residents and $2/nonresident guests. Entrance to the courts will be through the
tennis center on the weekends.
It was noted that the shuttle company is looking into giving Miami Shores a larger bus
on weekdays. The 5K Run is scheduled for November 2, 2014. Mr. Wolk suggested
having Barry as a co-sponsor of the run but have the route remain the same.
R.A.C. mtg., 3/10/14, pg. 2 of 2
Mr. Estep said that cameras are scheduled to be installed at the Tot Lot, Field House
and Bayfront Park.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.