2015-10-05 RAC Minutes
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on October 5, 2015.
Members present: Kendra Borja Kristin David Cawn
Christopher Fernandez John Ise
Jonathan Meltz Michael O’Hara
Will Reich Ken Whittaker
Members absent: Christia Alou
Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. O’Hara made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 21, 2015, meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Meltz and unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep gave a summary of the recreation programs at this time. There are 70 enrolled in
aftercare; the most recent kids day off program had 55 in attendance. There are 207 registered
for intramural soccer. Mr. Estep said that Dog Day At The Pool had a total of 55 dogs.
The upcoming Miami Shores 5K Run has 65 registered presently. Mr. Meltz suggested
contacting running groups at area schools to help attract runners. Whole Foods has agreed to
be a sponsor of the run once again and will be donating 275 bags and fruit.
It was related that Mr. Meltz will be reporting to the Village Council on the Committee’s
Mr. Whittaker inquired about ID cards for residents using the athletic fields due to the number of
nonresidents on the fields. Mr. Estep said that Council approval is needed for ID cards to be
issued for field usage.
Discussion turned to the new recreation center. Mr. Estep said that there are currently deed
restrictions on the usage of the recreation center. The Village has attorneys working to clear up
the deed restrictions before a new center can be placed on a ballot. The issue of parking also
still needs to be resolved with a new center.
It was noted that the new vita course has been ordered and will be installed within six weeks.
Mr. Meltz inquired about video cameras on the recreation fields. Mr. Estep said the new
recreation facility will have cameras to provide increased security. Mr. Estep said that many
recreation facilities that he visited have an ID card system in place for entry.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.