2017-04-03 RAC Minutes
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on April 3, 2017.
Members present: Dan Brady Manuel Hadad
Jonathan Meltz Jacqueline O'Donnell
Michelle Saporiti Karen Smith-Gulaskey
Steven Weber
Members absent: Anna Blackman Lauren Cortinas
Felipe Villamizar
Also present: Angela Dorney, Interim Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Erik Olsen, Aquatic Supervisor
Kelly Fernandez, Assistant Aquatic Supervisor
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Mr. Brady made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2017, Recreation
Advisory Committee meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Weber and unanimously
At this time Erik Olsen and Kelly Fernandez were introduced to the Committee. Mr. Olsen
explained to the Committee the pool's current hours of operation and how they have
restructured the time/lanes allotted to the swim team. It was noted that the pool loses
approximately $200,000 per year. The only pools that don't lose money are pools that only
operate during the summer months. Outside camps are permitted to use the pool as long as
25% of the campers are Miami Shores residents. Camps pay per head including the
counselors. Outside camps help offset the loss of revenue at the pool.
Ms Saporiti asked about outside food being brought into the pool. Mr. Olsen said outside food
is not permitted inside the facility; this would result in loss of concession revenue. Ms. Saporiti
said the ongoing complaint is that there are no healthy options offered. Ms. Saporiti suggested
offering fresh fruit and veggies and marketing healthy options better. Ms. Fernandez said that
the pita/hummus were a success last year and will be offered again this year. Ms. Saporiti
suggested using a small display with signage promoting healthy options.
Ms. Saporiti asked about offering a summer pass at the pool. Mr. Olsen said pool passes
would cause a major loss in revenue. Patrons would want a better deal than the regular
admission fee.
R.A.C., 4/3/17, pg. 2 of 2
Mr. Hadad asked about the maintenance at the pool and suggested led lighting in the
restrooms. It was related that the restrooms have been redone; benches in the restroom have
been replaced. Mr. Brady added that the restrooms are very dark. It was noted that new
countertops have been submitted into capital for next year.
Ms. Saporiti asked for flyers for upcoming events that she can help advertise on Facebook.
Mr. Hadad asked about parking now that the dog park is open. Ms. Dorney said 12 new
parking spots will be added once approval is received from Miami-Dade.
Mr. Weber asked about liability at the dog park and suggested people sign a release when
purchasing their key fob. Ms. Dorney said that the Village attorney wrote the wording for the
signs that are posted at the dog park.
Ms. Saporiti created a PowerPoint presentation that includes suggestions for ADA accessible
apparatus at the Tot Lot. Ms. Saporiti suggested asking Publix to sponsor an apparatus. The
park needs to be made more accessible for kids with disability and sensory issues. Ms. Smith-
Gulaskey suggested applying for a grant for money for ADA apparatus.
Commission members asked about how often the tot lot pavilion is pressure washed and also
about ventilation in the tot lot restroom.
A resolution of principles of inclusion was distributed to Commission members for discussion at
next month’s meeting.
Discussion turned to new business. Mr. Weber suggested that the Village have monthly
concerts. Ms. Saporiti suggested showing movies to generate additional revenue; this has
been very popular in Bay Harbor. It was noted this could be a good idea for the Chamber of
Commerce. Ms. Dorney said that the Village is working on a grant for a pop up park.
It was noted that a farmers market is going to an RFP since there is so much interest.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.