2017-12-4 RAC Minutes
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on December 4, 2017.
Members present: Anna Blackman Jeff Geimer
Manny Hadad Alise Henry
Jacqueline O'Donnell Michael O'Hara
Karen Smith-Gulaskey Steven Weber
Members absent: Michele Saporiti
Also present: Angela Dorney, Interim Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Weber made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 6, 2017 meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. O'Hara and unanimously approved.
In terms of new tot lot equipment, Ms. Dorney related that using the mulched area is costly and
that she has met with a new vendor and is awaiting quotes.
Ms. Dorney said that the basketball courts are being resurfaced at a cost of $16,000 plus an
additional $1,000 to repair the leaning goal.
Discussion turned to the new recreation center. Mr. Hadad distributed a proposed timeline for
a new center, including monthly goals. Mr. Weber suggested using the timeline as a blueprint
to move towards a new center. Mr. O'Hara believes that the Village has other priorities
besides a new rec. center. He suggested reviewing the original plan and discussing it at the
January meeting. Ms. Gulaskey feels that the Committee should wait another year before
making any presentation to Council. Mr. Weber noted the Committee is only soliciting reports
and adapting a schedule. Mr. Geimer said it is too soon to invite the public to discuss a new
center. Mr. Hadad said that the Committee was not part of the process for a new center and
would like to make a presentation to Council. It was noted that the cost to upgrade the current
center is not financially feasible. Mr. O'Hara also said the timeline is not realistic. Ms. Henry
suggested going forward with the January timeline and proceeding from there. Ms. Henry
made a motion for the Committee to discuss the timeline in January as laid out and
proceed from there. Motion seconded by Mr. Weber and unanimously approved. Ms.
Dorney expressed concern about any proposed budget numbers for a new center. Ms. Dorney
said at this time the Council and Village Manager are opposed to discussing a new center as
there are other projects currently being considered.
R.A.C. mtg., 12/4/17, pg. 2 of 2
Mr. O'Hara made a revised motion for the Committee to discuss the previous reports
from Ballard & King at the January meeting and proceed from there. Motion seconded
by Mr. Geimer and unanimously approved. Ms. Henry accepted the amended motion
and was unanimously approved.
Ms. Dorney said that the cost of new grass at Bayfront Park will be $300,000. Mr. Weber
suggested installed a safer fence at the bay. Ms. Dorney said the estimated cost would be
Ms. Dorney also related that the lock at the Tot Lot is not ADA compliant and the Village is
currently looking into an ADA lock.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.