2018-10-01 RAC Minutes
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on October 1, 2018.
Members present: Anna Blackman Manny Hadad
Alise Henry Michael O’Hara
Jacqueline O’Donnell Michele Saporiti
Karen Smith Gulaskey Steven Weber
Members absent: Jeff Geimer
Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Kathy Redman, Resident
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Correction to the minutes of the June 4 meeting. Paragraph two; ‘Mr. Hadad visited a solar
panel vendor near Osswald Park’. Mr. O’Hara made a motion to approve the June 4
minutes with corrections. Motion seconded by Ms. Henry and unanimously approved.
Ms. Dorney distributed a list of capital projects approved for FY 2019. Approved items include
a special event tent, window/door replacement, security cameras at Field House and
Community Center, soccer goals, movie projector and screen.
Mr. Hadad inquired about scoreboards on athletic fields. Ms. O’Donnell expressed concern
with traffic/parking conditions during travel soccer. Mr. Hadad asked Ms. Dorney for a list of
future capital projects to bring to next meeting.
Mr. Hadad suggested covering the basketball courts; courts could also be used for summer
camps. Mr. Hadad also suggested replacing the racquetball courts with bathrooms. The
surface would need to be changed from asphalt to concrete. Ms. Gulaskey said more space is
needed for the gymnastics program since it is such a profitable program. Ms. O’Donnell said
improvements are also needed at the field house.
Ms. Dorney related that the recreation department will be hosting a Halloween Spooktacular
for school age kids in October and are looking for volunteers. It was noted that the 5K
walk/run will be held in February.
Committee members expressed concern with the handicapped gate and restroom at the tot lot
and if they meet ADA requirements; bathroom door handle may be lower than ADA
R.A.C. mtg., 10/1/18, pg. 2 of 2
Ms. Dorney related that dog day at the pool was a success with 70 dogs attending.
It was noted that the swim team will be hosting their first swim meet on November 10.
It was related that the pool tried to sell fresh fruit over the summer without much success.
Ms. Redman asked for ideas for senior programs; noting the Silver Sneakers and Osher
programs are doing well. Ideas include offering a Spanish language class, tai chi, meditation,
senior pet club, yoga, gyrokinesis and scrabble classes.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.