2018-10-16 Village Council Minutes1 MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glinn called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM. 2. MOMENT OF SILENCE/ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL (4) Mayor MacAdam Glinn Vice Mayor Sean Brady Councilwoman Alice Burch Councilman Jonathan Meltz Councilman Steven Zelkowitz arrived at 7:00 PM. Also Present: Tom Benton, Village Manager Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk Acting Village Attorney Jesus Suarez Village Attorney Richard Sarafan was absent. Prior to commencing the order of business, Mayor Glinn, on behalf of the Village Council and Village staff, presented Mr. Benton with a proclamation in honor of his 20 years of service as Village Manager. The following former Councilmembers were in attendance: Honorable Cesar Sastre, Honorable Herta Holly, Honorable Prospero Herrera, and Honorable Steve Loffredo. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minutes Time Limit Per Speaker) Mr. Douglas Barnes spoke in support of appointing Irene Hegedus and David Snow to the Planning and Zoning Board, Carole Hoffman to the Fine Arts Commission, and further spoke in support of Item 7B. Ms. Herta Holly, who served on the Village Council for 12 years, complimented Mr. Benton for his dedication and exemplary leadership during his 20 years of service as Village Manager. Mr. Cesar Sastre, who served as a Councilmember from 1995 to 1999, recounted three accomplishments he is most proud of during his tenure, one being the appointment of Mr. Benton as Village Manager. Mr. Daniel Brady encouraged the passage of Item 7A and further provided information regarding the age- friendly initiative. Tom Benton, Village Manager Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk Mayor MacAdam Glinn Vice Mayor Sean Brady Councilwoman Alice Burch Councilman Jonathan Meltz Councilman Steven Zelkowitz Miami Shores Village 2 Ms. Catherine Uden, South Florida Campaign Organizer for Oceania, encouraged the passage of Item 7B and provided background information. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (Items are routine, self-explanatory matters and are not expected to require discussion or review. Items will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired by any member of the Council, that item must be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If the public wishes to speak on a matter on the Consent Agenda, they must inform the Village Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. They will be recognized to speak prior to the approval of the Consent Agenda) The Village Clerk read the introductory statement and the caption of each item contained on the Consent Agenda. A motion was moved by Councilwoman Burch and seconded by Vice Mayor Brady to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously. A. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 2, 2018 VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (STAFF: VILLAGE CLERK). Passed on Consent. B. APPROVAL OF THE TWO QUALIFIED FIRMS FOR THE LIBRARY EXPANSION PROJECT: STOBS BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. AND STATE CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING CORP. TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT STAGE OF THE COMPETITIVE SOLICITATION PROCESS (STAFF: VILLAGE MANAGER). Passed on Consent. 6. VILLAGE BOARD APPOINTMENTS (STAFF: VILLAGE CLERK) A. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD (Two Vacancies) Eric Brown Wesley Castellanos David Coviello Steven Dobe Christiano Gros Irene Hegedus Patrick Huber David Snow Ms. Rodriguez noted Mr. Castellanos does not meet the minimum residency requirement and the procedure to follow should the Council wish to further consider his application. Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Eric Brown   Wesley Castellanos David Coviello  Steven Dobe Christiano Gros Irene Hegedus     Patrick Huber David Snow    3 Ms. Irene Hegedus and Mr. David Snow were appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board. B. APPOINTMENTS TO THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (Four Vacancies) Anna Blackman (unable to attend) Courtney Green Ron Marrocco Julian Montero Jessica Pluhar Karen Smith-Gulaskey Elizabeth “Lisa” Sotir Tuyen Tieu Ms. Courtney Green rescinded her application for consideration. Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Anna Blackman     Ron Marrocco   Julian Montero    Jessica Pluhar  Karen Smith- Gulaskey      Lisa Sotir     Tuyen Tieu  Ms. Anna Blackman, Mr. Julian Montero, Ms. Karen Smith-Gulaskey, and Ms. Lisa Sotir were appointed to the Recreation Advisory Board. C. APPOINTMENTS TO FINE ARTS COMMISSION (Three Vacancies) Joseph Clark Carol Hoffman Susan Kelley Jessica Pluhar Bradford Smith Michael Stock Vanessa Tartak Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Joseph Clark    Carol Hoffman    Susan Kelley  Jessica Pluhar  Bradford Smith   Michael Stock      Vanessa Tartak Mr. Joseph Clark, Ms. Carol Hoffman, and Mr. Michael Stock were appointed to the Fine Arts Commission. D. APPOINTMENTS TO THE COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD (Three Vacancies) 4 Mark Gallo Christiano Gros Thomas Halloran Martin Mennes Richard Raymond Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Mark Gallo      Christiano Gros Thomas Halloran      Martin Mennes     Richard Raymond  Misters Mark Gallo, Thomas Halloran, and Martin Mennes were appointed to the Country Club Advisory Board. E. APPOINTMENTS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (Three Vacancies) One - 1 year term expiring October 2019 Two – 3 year terms expiring October 2021 *Tom Curitore Patrick Huber Angela Kidd Ms. Angela Kidd’s application was rescinded, as she does not reside in Miami Shores Village. Responding to Mayor Glinn’s inquiry, Ms. Rodriguez indicated Mr. Curitore does not meet the residency requirement and would therefore need at least four votes for board appointment. Councilwoman Burch suggested re-advertising the board vacancies due to the limited number of applicants. Responding to Councilwoman Burch’s suggestion, Mayor Glinn proposed the Village Council cast votes as customary and if the applicants do not receive the required votes, the Village Clerk shall extend the application deadline and re-advertise the vacancies. Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Tom Curitore    Patrick Huber      Mr. Patrick Huber was reappointed to the Code Enforcement Board. Two vacancies remain on the Code Enforcement Board. F. APPOINTMENTS TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD (Two Vacancies) 5 Kristen Adsit Seth Bramson Wesley Castellanos Mr. Tieres Tavares, Historic Preservation Boardmember, spoke in favor of reappointing Ms. Kristen Adsit to preserve board continuity. Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Kristen Adsit   Seth Bramson      Wesley Castellanos    Mr. Seth Bramson was appointed to the Historic Preservation Board on Ballot #1. Ms. Rodriguez advised the Village Council that Mr. Castellanos did not receive a minimum of four votes to waive the residency requirement. A second ballot was voted to fill the remaining vacancy. Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Kristen Adsit  Seth Bramson Wesley Castellanos     Mr. Wesley Castellanos was appointed to the Historic Preservation Board on Ballot #2. Mayor Glinn moved to appoint Ms. Adsit as a non-voting special advisor to the board as stipulated in the Village Code. The motion was seconded by Councilman Zelkowitz. The motion passed unanimously. G. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD (Two Vacancies) Patricia Gispert Jessica Pluhar Following self-introductions by the applicants present, paper ballots were voted with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Patricia Gispert      Jessica Pluhar      Ms. Patricia Gispert and Ms. Jessica Pluhar were appointed to the Personnel Appeals Board. 6 H. APPOINTMENT TO THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION BOARD (One Employee Vacancy) Angela Dorney Travis Kendall Mr. Travis Kendall rescinded his application for consideration. Councilm embers voted paper ballots with the following results: Meltz Burch Glinn Brady Zelkowitz Angela Dorney      Recreation Director Angela Dorney was reappointed to the General Employees Pension Board. 7. RESOLUTIONS A. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION'S AGE-FRIENDLY CITIES AND COMMUNITIES PROGRAM AND APPROVING THE VILLAGE'S ENROLLMENT INTO THE AARP AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (SPONSORED BY: COUNCILWOMAN ALICE BURCH). Ms. Rodriguez read the caption of the proposed Resolution into the record. Councilwoman Burch provided a brief overview of the item and referenced the handout provided by Mr. Daniel Brady. Responding to Councilman Meltz’s inquiry, Councilwoman Burch clarified there are no upfront costs associated with the initiative. Individual Councilmembers offered their respective position on the matter. Vice Mayor Brady moved to approve the Resolution and the motion was seconded by Councilwoman Burch. There being no further discussion, Mayor Glinn called for the vote, which was unanimous in favor of the motion. Upon his return, Councilman Zelkowitz directed the Village Clerk to register an affirmative vote for this item, as he was not present at the time the vote was taken. B. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA EXPRESSING THE VILLAGE’S OPPOSITION TO OFFSHORE DRILLING ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING SEISMIC AIRGUN BLASTING; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITAL; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (SPONSORED BY: VICE MAYOR SEAN BRADY). Ms. Rodriguez read the caption of the proposed Resolution into the record. Vice Mayor Brady provided a brief overview of the item and asked for the Village Council’s consideration relative to the matter potentially having a direct impact on the waterways of Miami Shores Village. Mayor Glinn proposed amending the Resolution to include the following whereas clause: “whereas as a coastal city, we are directly threatened as a result of such oil spills and leakage; and” 7 Vice Mayor Brady accepted Mayor Glinn’s friendly amendment to include the above noted language. Councilmembers Meltz and Zelkowitz spoke in opposition to agenda items that are not directly related to Village business. Councilwoman Burch spoke about the potential of oil drilling and spillage having an impact on Miami Shores’ waterways. Vice Mayor Brady moved to approve the Resolution as amended and the motion was seconded by Mayor Glinn. There being no further discussion, Mayor Glinn called for the vote, which carried a 3-2 voice vote. Councilmembers Meltz and Zelkowitz voted in opposition. 8. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS A. SEWER SYSTEM PROJECT UPDATE BY THE VILLAGE MANAGER The Village Manager did not have an update to report on the sewer system project. B. NEW VILLAGE WEBSITE REPORT BY THE VILLAGE MANAGER (REQUESTED BY: COUNCILMAN JONATHAN MELTZ). Councilman Meltz briefly introduced the item and turned the presentation over to staff. Ms. Elizabeth Keeley, Communications Manager/ Assistant to the Village Manager, provided an update on the Village website renovation project, illustrated the concept and features of the upcoming website, and answered questions posed by the Village Council. Councilman Zelkowitz thanked Ms. Keeley for her continued diligence in renovating the website and further reminded residents to use the MyMSV mobile application. Mayor Glinn proposed for individual Councilmembers to sit with the staff to provide recommendations on ways to improve the website’s accessibility and convenience. No action was taken on this item. 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Village Clerk read the announcements. 10. VILLAGE COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr. Benton informed the Village has launched a Hurricane Michael relief effort and encouraged residents to stop by one of the Miami Shores municipal buildings to donate personal hygiene items, cleaning products, etc. Councilman Zelkowitz No Comments. Councilman Meltz No Comments. 8 Councilwoman Burch No Comments. Vice Mayor Brady No Comments. Mayor Glinn Mayor Glinn thanked all of the board applicants for taking the time to apply and for their willingness to serve Miami Shores. Mayor Glinn thanked the Village Manager, Police Chief Lystad and MSPD Officers for addressing the challenges at Miami Shores Motel. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Village Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 P.M. Approved on: November 6, 2018 Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk