2017-04-03 HPB MinutesMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING The Miami Shores Historic Preservation Board met on Monday, April 3, 2017 in the Council Chambers of Village Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM with the following Board Members present: PRESENT: Kristen Adsit EXCUSED ABSENCE: Seth Bramson Charles Humphries Abeer Jadallah Nina Korman ALSO PRESENT: Barbara A. Estep, Village Clerk ACTION ITEM 1. Request for Certificate of Appropriateness 940 N.E. 95th Street Applicants: Kirk & Crystal Wagar Representatives: Upstairs Studio Inc. Architecture Request: Construction of an addition to connect original home to a proposed new addition constructed where the existing garage structure is located. Ms. Estep advised the Board that the majority of the proposed renovation does not require approval from the Historic Preservation Board, as there are many interior renovations as well as the demolition of the existing garage, which is not included as part of the designation of the main dwelling. Nevertheless, Ms. Estep requested that the Board review the scope of the planned project and provide input as they deemed appropriate. Representatives from the architectural firm of Upstairs Studio Inc. were present, with architect Monica Socorro presenting information relating to the proposed renovations. Ms. Socorro responded to specific questions posed by Board Members, clarifying the work to be done to improve the rear of the existing home and to add additional living space in the form of a new, two story addition to be built where the garage exists. She advised the Board that the current garage is to be demolished. Following these discussions, Ms. Jadallah moved to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. Ms. Korman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. DISCUSSION ITEM 1. Discussion regarding the feasibility /possibility of conducting a new inventory listing of homes meeting historic criteria. Ms. Korman spoke of the Village's inventory of historically designated homes and her interest in seeking additional properties to be designated. She spoke of the probable need to complete a new list of homes that could qualify for designation and a campaign to generate interest in the process of historic designation. Ms. Estep offered information regarding her discussions with a few residents about the possibility of forming a Miami Shores Historical Society which would not have the same constraints as the Board due to the Board being a Village sanctioned Board, bound by the Sunshine and open meeting laws. Additional discussion regarding putting out a notice to see if there are homeowners interested in seeking designation and Ms. Estep suggested that if Ms. Korman would write a few paragraphs, she would ensure that it would be included in the Village Newsletter. The Board agreed to allow Ms. Korman to write the article for posting. ADJOURNMENT The April 3, 2017 Historic Preservation Board Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. Barbara A. Estep, MMC Village Clerk