2018-02-13 FAC Minutes Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on February 13, 2018. Members present: Susan Ackley David Baker Victor Bruce Madeleine Haddocks Miriam Rojas Michael Stock Members absent: Lorena Bracho-Mijares Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Ysabely Rodriguez introduced herself and gave Commission members an explanation of the Sunshine Law as the Commission is a decision making board. Public records law was also reviewed. Mr. Baker made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2018 meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved. Discussion turned to the upcoming Fireside concert. Ms. Rojas said that Illumene could provide down lighting and pillars on the stage for $200. Ms. Dorney noted that public works will provide two 55-gallon double barrels for the 'fire'. Ms. Rojas will contact food vendors for the concert. It was noted that an artist has not been secured for Unity Day. A suggestion was made for Luis Valle to essentially have a 'paint by number' area. It was estimated that a 4 x 6 canvas would cost approximately $140 for the project. Mr. Baker has contacted artist Thomas Castillo who has proposed a color field painting area for $500. Ms. Haddocks made a motion to secure Mr. Castillo for $300. Ms. Rojas proposed approving $350 for Thomas Castillo who would be providing all materials. Ms. Haddocks amended her motion to approve up to $350 for Thomas Castillo to set up all materials, including paint, at Unity Day. Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously approved. Discussion turned to art in public places. Mr. Bruce said that the cost for the survey on NE 6th Avenue is actually $400, not the $200 that was previously approved. The deposit for the survey is $200. Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve $400 for the survey for the art in public places project on NE 6th Avenue. Motion seconded by Ms. Haddocks and unanimously approved. F.A.C. mtg., 2/13/18, pg. 2 of 2 It was related that many municipalities are wrapping utility boxes in artwork, a type of vinyl wrap. It was noted that artist Pedro Rubio could do this type of work. There are many utility boxes on the west side of the Shores. Ms. Rojas expressed concern with the size of the boxes. Many of these boxes are smaller and hidden by porta carpus hedges so wrapping the boxes would draw more attention to them. Ms. Rojas suggested wrapping the boxes in an evergreen vinyl. It was suggested revisiting this at the March meeting. Discussion turned to the April play presentation. An alternative location was the theater, but it is not available during April and there would be a fee of $500. Commission members discussed choosing either a play on cancer or one relating to equal pay for women. Ms. Ackley made a motion to approve the equal salary play for the April dramatic play presentation. Motion seconded by Ms. Haddocks and unanimously approved. The tentative date of the play is April 20th. Ms. Rojas presented the Commission with an estimate of $700 for 15 tables and table cloths (including delivery & pick up). Ms. Ackley expressed concern with spending $700 for ambiance. Mr. Bruce made a motion to approve up to $700 for ambiance for the April performance. Motion seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously approved. Discussion turned to the spring concert. Ms. Ackley has contacted Georgee Kluck about sponsoring face painting this year. Commission members critiqued the concert flyer. Mr. Bruce expressed his exception to the term 'Latin' in the concert description. Ms. Ackley made a motion to increase the size of the spring concert March Egret to an 8-unit ad for $695. Motion seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously approved. It was noted that the original date for the April artist reception was not available. The reception was rescheduled for March 20. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.