2018-08-14 FAC MINUTES
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on August 14, 2018.
Members present: Susan Ackley David Baker
Madeliene Haddocks Miryam Rojas
Michael Stock
Members absent: Victor Bruce
Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Mary Newman, Resident
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.
Ms. Ackley related that she met with Miami Theater Center and Dance Now. The original
quotes were too expensive for the Commission, so Ms. Ackley explored the option of Summer
Shorts as a possible event. Ms. Newman and Ms. Ackley went to a Summer Short play
reading. Ms. Newman related they saw four 8-10 minute plays. Ms. Newman gave very
positive feedback of the Summer Shorts. A summary of the four plays was related to the
Commission. Ms. Newman liked the Summer Shorts better than the Commission’s play
performance last year.
Ms. Ackley said that the cost of Dance Now was $4000, $4500 with marketing and Miami
Theater Center asked for $1000. The cost of Summer Shorts is $2100-$2400, depending on
the format selected.
It was noted that costs for the opening of the sculpture park also need to be added to FY 2019
budget costs. Ms. Rojas expressed concern that additional money may be needed that will be
allocated to the April dance performance.
Mr. Baker made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2018 meeting. Motion
seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
It was noted that the FY 2018 budget is down zero after costs for the sculpture park. Money is
still needed for a plaque, flat bed trailer and a crane for the sculptures. Ms. Rojas said that Mr.
Cavalieri has a contract for a crane but will find out additional details in the next few days. Ms.
Rojas suggested setting aside $1000 for transportation costs. The cost for Arco Construction
for concrete pads is $3500. Estimated costs for bronze plaques are $800, aluminum plaques
are $700 and benches are estimated at $700/each. It was related that Council has approved
a one-year sculpture park with an option to extend. $1300 from FY 2018 will be allocated
towards costs of the sculpture park before the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Rojas made a
motion to approve $3500 for the cost of concrete pads from Arco Construction. Motion
seconded by Mr. Stock. Motion amended to approve $4000, which includes $500 in
permit fees, to Arco Construction. Motion unanimously approved.
Mr. Baker expressed concern about the quality of temporary signage at the sculpture park. Ms.
Dorney said that any benches need to be ADA accessible. It was decided to postpone further
discussion on the benches, truck and crane until the September meeting. Ms. Ackley and Ms.
Rojas volunteered to work on the signage for the sculpture park.
It was noted that the Commission will be presenting their yearly report to Council on
September 4th.
Ms. Rojas noted she is in favor of a relationship with Miami Theater Center. Discussion turned
to having a dance performance vs Summer Shorts for April 2019. Commission members
decided on a dance event, with Ms. Rojas expressing concern with the budget. Ms. Rojas
made a motion to approve Dance Now at the Miami Theater Center in April 2019 for
$4550. Motion seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously approved. The performance
date is April 5th. It was suggested having a $10 donation for adults with children free. The
theater will run the concession.
Discussion turned to wrapping utility boxes. Possible locations were discussed. Ms. Ackley
spoke with a representative from Art Resource Inc. Municipalities are charged a fee of $150
per image. The Commission needs to see if this is a one-time fee or an annual fee. Ms.
Rojas suggested having a call to artists. Ms. Ackley suggested wrapping 3-4 utility boxes and
then see how well they are received from the community.
The Commission critiqued the October artist invitation.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.