2017-06-13 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on June 13, 2017.
Members present: Susan Ackley Madeleine Haddocks
Neil Kodsi Miryam Rojas
Michael Stock
Members present: Victor Bruce Lorena Bracho-Mijares
Also present: Angela Dorney, Interim Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Mary Newman, Resident
Carol Guzman Hoffman, Executive Director of Arts at St. John's
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2017 meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Haddocks and unanimously approved.
It was reported there is $636 remaining in the FY 2017 budget. Ms. Dorney said that
Moody Electric will comp the permit fee for installation of up lighting for the art in public
places mural wall. Mr. Kodsi made a motion for Moody Electric to proceed with the
installation project and use the remaining $636 for payment and if needed use
additional funds from the donation account for payment not to exceed $150.
Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
Ms. Newman told the Commission she considers the rear of the Community Center
building an eyesore and would like the Commission to take on this challenge. It was
noted that whatever rendering is presented to Council for approval must be an exact
rendering with no embellishments on the actual project. Ms. Ackley suggested a call to
artists with area schools and allow proposals with a given theme. Ms. Newman feels a
mural on the back of the Center would be great, perhaps something environmental. Ms.
Ackley suggested having the Commission cover the cost of the supplies for the artist,
estimated between $250-$500. The Commission decided to pursue this project. Ms.
Ackley doesn't want to limit a school's creativity. Ms. Rojas suggested middle and high
schools and would like to allow more than one proposal per school. It was noted the
Commission will also need to factor in the rental of equipment for the project. Ms. Rojas
said Victor Bruce had suggested a graphic skin be placed on buildings; no painting is
involved. It was suggested having a call to artists for high school and college students
for a finished art proposal. This will be revisited at the August meeting.
It was noted that Ms. Guzman donated $50 to the Fine Arts Commission.
F.A.C. mtg., 6/13/17, pg. 2 of 2
The Commission originally proposed a $10,000 FY 2018 budget, which would include
an additional concert in January, the Moonlight Concert. It was noted the proposed
budget is back at $8,000. Ms. Ackley said she will be present at the July 11 public
budget hearing to speak to Council.
Discussion turned to the new art in public places location, the triangle area between 6th
Avenue and Publix which has been approved by Village Manager Tom Benton. Three
artists will be presented but a call to artists is also another option if no agreement can
be reached. Ms. Ackley suggested Leonor Anthony. Ms. Mijares suggested Alberto
Cavalieri, who may have a piece to loan for an honorarium and Ms. Haddocks
suggested Gary Moore. It was noted the new art in public places will not be a mural. Ms.
Rojas likes Alberto Cavalieri. Mr. Kodsi and Mr. Stock like Leonor Anthony. It was noted
that Gary Moore could do a piece for $5000 but usually receives much more. It was
suggested that Gary Moore present a proposal. The discussion was tabled until the
August meeting. Additional artist suggestions would need to go to Council since
neighbors surround the site. Ms. Rojas suggested asking Council to approve Bayfront
Park and Constitution Park & 98 St. as additional locations. Ms. Ackley suggested
waiting until October to approach Council.
Discussion turned to graphic artist Jean Corona. Previously Ms. Mijares had offered to
do graphics at no cost for the Commission. Ms. Mijares has also said she does not want
to take work away from Jean Corona. Mr. Kodsi suggested allowing Ms. Mijares, if she
is willing, to do one or two ads for the Commission and see how it goes and proceed
from there. The Commission will revisit in August.
It was noted that the proposed 'Moonlight Concert' is pending Council/budget approval.
Ms. Ackley said that Illumene will provide event lighting for all Commission events in
exchange for their name as a sponsor. It was also noted that food service is needed at
events, not necessarily food trucks.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.