2016-12-13 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on December 13, 2016.
Members present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce
Madeleine Haddocks Neil Kodsi
Lorena Bracho-Mijares Miryam Rojas (via phone)
Michael Stock
Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director, interim
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2016, meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Haddocks and unanimously approved.
It was relayed to the Commission that Jesse Walters is no longer the head of the Miami Shores
Chamber of Commerce.
A new concept of an 'Egret in flight' for the North Lawn was distributed to the members. The
question is Egret vs serpent design for the North Lawn. Ms. Rojas noted this is just a concept;
the actual colors will be different. An exact concept is not realistic before Luis Valle begins the
actual project. Concern has been raised in regard to the wall height. Anything above six feet is
not considered a 'fence' but rather a 'wall' and the construction cost increases to $1500 from the
original $300 estimate. Ms. Haddocks inquired if the art can be a form rather than a wall. Mr.
Bruce noted it is a temporary structure. The main focus will be from NE 2 Avenue. It was
suggested that some colors or elements be incorporated on the back side.
Ms. Rojas said she had spoken to Mr. Valle about paying him $2400. Mr. Bruce suggested
asking Mr. Valle to lower the cost since there is the additional cost attributed to constructing an
eight-foot wall. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to take $500 from the donation account to pay
for the increased cost of constructing the wall. Motion seconded by Mr. Bruce and
unanimously approved. The total will be $2000 for Luis Valle and $1500 for construction of
the wall. The original concrete pad will be removed.
At this time the members made corrections to all of the artist invites for gallery night. There will
be 300 invites per artist. A suggestion was made for a live musician to bring people to the
Village Hall location. A suggestion was made for either a guitarist or a saxophone player. If Ms.
Haddocks cannot find a saxophonist, Mike Suman can be contacted for one. Estimated costs are
$200 for printing, $500 for graphic design and $200 for a musician. Mr. Stock made a motion
to approve a $900 budget for gallery night. Motion seconded by Ms. Haddocks and
unanimously approved.
F.A.C. mtg., 12/13/16, pg. 2 of 2
Discussion turned to the February fireside concert featuring Uproot Hootenanny. Mr. Stock will
contact the band to confirm the Feb. 10 date. The performance will be from 6:30-9 p.m., with
food trucks to start at 6 p.m. Mr. Rojas will arrange for the food trucks, two savory and one
It was noted that grant requests for Unite Miami Shores are due February 1. Ms. Ackley said the
Commission usually asks for $4000. Mr. Kodsi suggested writing the request for two concerts,
the fireside and the spring concert.
Discussion turned to Unity Day and steel drums, three half hour sessions for $395. Mr. Bruce
will contact the agent for the drummer. Ms. Rojas will contact the artist about the Wynwood
coloring books. The idea is to make copies of various pages of the book and have kids color
them. Further discussion was postponed until January.
The Groovedogs have been confirmed for the March 26 spring concert. Ms. Ackley expressed
concern that the band is overexposed. Mr. Stock made a motion for Mr. Kodsi to contract
with Groovedogs for $1000. Motion seconded by Mr. Kodsi and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the music education series. Mr. Stock has previously had four (1) hour
shows with about 50 people in attendance. The expense is $100 for each of the four part series
and the Egret cost. The library would like to share the expenses of the music series. Ms. Ackley
suggested two dates in March and two dates in April. It was suggested combining the music
series and the April library exhibit in an Egret ad for marketing, possibly increasing the ad size.
Mr. Kodsi made a motion to allocate $1000 for the music education series. Motion seconded
by Ms. Mijares and unanimously approved.
At this time discussion turned to the history tour with John Bachay. Ms. Ackley said the
Commission is needed for marketing. The cost for a bus driver is estimated to be between $100-
$150. This could be the Commission's contribution to this event. It was decided to postpone
further discussion until January.
Carol Jazzar's pictures were distributed to the Commission for review.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.