2016-08-09 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on August 9, 2016.
Members Present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce
Valentina Gutchess Madeliene Haddocks
Neil Kodsi Miryam Rojas
Michael Stock
Also Present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
New Commission member Madeliene Haddocks was welcomed and self-introductions
were made.
It was noted there is a Village ordinance for new term limits for Village board members.
At this time Ms. Gutchess presented new artist suggestions; namely, Mary Larsen and
Elaine R. Defibaugh (watercolors and acrylic transparent pieces). Both artists would like
to see the library and the hanging system before deciding which of their pieces will be
presented. Mary Larsen's pieces are more intricate than any previous exhibit. The
tentative date for the Gallery Night exhibit is January 22. An artist for Village Hall is
still needed. Mr. Stock made a motion to recommend Mary Larsen for the January
22nd Gallery Night artist exhibit at the library. Motion seconded by Ms. Gutchess
and unanimously approved.
Mr. Kodsi made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2016, meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously approved.
At this time there were nominations for vice chair of the Commission. Ms. Haddocks
made a motion to elect Mr. Stock as the vice chair. Motion seconded by Ms.
Gutchess and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to a memorial for Jerry Estep. It is uncertain if funds from the
Commission's budget can be allocated for a memorial. Ms . Rojas suggested naming one
of the Commisson's concerts after Mr. Estep. Another suggestion was made to have a
scholarship fund created in Mr. Estep's name. Mr. Stock made a motion to support the
existing fundraising memorial through future concert promotions in FY 2017.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kodsi and unanimously approved.
At this time copies of the artist invitations were distributed to members for
F.A.C. mtg., 8/8/16, pg. 2 of 2
Ms. Rojas made a motion for Ms. Gutchess to join the marketing subcommittee
which will work on Stuart Sheldon's artist invite. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock
and unanimously approved.
Mr. Kodsi made a motion for the costs for Stuart Sheldon's invite to come out of the
Commission's donation account if the costs exceed the Commission's FY budget.
Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the art in public places project. Mr. Kodsi talked to the Village
attorney who expressed concern that the project's liability fall under Doctors Charter
School rather than the Village. The artist wants liability coverage by the Village for both
the artist as well as the DCS students while the project is 'under construction'. Under the
existing contract as written liability is placed on the Village. Ms. Dorney suggested
acquiring a separate insurance rider during the creation of the project. The artist would
like to begin purchasing supplies for the project in September and begin the work in
Discussion turned to the Miami Shores Community Alliance's Margaritavillage event.
Ms. Ackley is asking the Commission for a donation for the event. Schools can apply for
grant requests for money raised at this event. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to donate
$250 toward the Margaritavillage event that will be used for a grant for an art
related program. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to new business. Mr. Bruce would like the Commission to be involved
in some way with the design for the 'new' NE 2nd Avenue. Ms. Haddocks suggested
something be done with the retaining wall around the fountain at Memorial Park.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.