2016-05-10 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on May 10, 2016.
Members Present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce
Valentina Gutchess Miryam Rojas
Members Absent: Neil Kodsi Michael Stock
Also Present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Jennifer Art
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Jennifer Art was introduced to the Commission. Ms. Art is representing Miami SAW
(Shores Art Walk) about a possible community project between Miami Shores and El
Portal. The group is looking to break away from the Wynwook art walk. The first art
walk will be in Little River on 84th Street and NE 2 Avenue with vendors from
community groups and will include a stage with music. The event will be a family
oriented event. Ms. Ackley expressed concern over calling this a Miami Shores art
walk since this event will not be within Miami Shores. Ms. Ackley suggested that the
group advise the mayor of El Portal of this upcoming event. Ms. Art said that this is
the first ‘art walk’ and they are looking at having the event the 1st Thursday of each
Correction to the minutes of the April 12, 2016 minutes meeting. Page one,
paragraph nine, change ‘include’ to ‘increase’. Ms. Rojas made a motion to
approve the minutes of the April 12, 2016 minutes with correction. Motion
seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved.
It was reported that there is $2163.43 remaining in the Commission’s FY ’16 budget.
The Commission will be reimbursed $1000 for the Latino 500 event. This money will
be deposited into the Commission’s donation account.
Ms. Ackley suggested that for the Memorial Day ceremony the Commission donate
Annie Leibovitz’s ‘At Work’ book. This book has been approved by the library. Ms.
Rojas made a motion to approve $60 to purchase the Annie Leibovitz book for
Memorial Day. The motion was seconded by Ms. Gutchess and unanimously
Discussion turned to future artist exhibits. Possible artists include photographer
John VanBeekum, Stuart Sheldon ‘Best Books Ever Written’ series, Andi Sustrin
Filonow (graphic black & white ink drawings), collage art by Carol Jazzar and PJ
Mills. It was noted that a minimum of 15 art pieces are needed by the artist for the
exhibit. Ms. Gutchess made a motion to approve Stuart Sheldon for the
F.A.C. mtg., 5/10/16, pg. 2 of 2
October 2016 exhibit. Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously
Mr. Stock has created four one-hour long music education series for the library
system in broward county. The marketing cost would be the only cost associated for
this project.
It was suggested proposing a budget of $12,000 which includes a spring concert in
FY ’17. It was noted that there is a 15% discount for paying for Egret ads in
advance. A 6-unit ad costs $489; 8-unit ad costs $619 and a full page ad costs
$919. Ms. Gutchess made a motion to approve reserving a 6-unit ad in the
Egret @ $489 and $150 to Corona Ideas for the graphic work in the amount of
$565 to come out of the FY 2016 budget. Motion seconded by Mr. Bruce and
unanimously approved. This amount reflects the 15% discount for the Egret ad.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.