2016-03-08 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on March 8, 2016.
Members Present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce
Janet Goodman Valentina Gutchess
Neil Kodsi Miryam Rojas
Michael Stock
Also Present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2016
meeting. Motion seconded by Ms. Gutchess and unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep reported that the FY ’16 Commission budget has $4772.65 remaining.
In review, the campfire concert went very well, happy with the food trucks
(although one additional food truck was needed) and no complaints from
neighbors. It was noted that one of the Council members is working on changing
the ordinance to allow food trucks with permission for a special event. This has
not gone before Council yet.
Unity Day also went well; both kids and adults enjoyed the drumming circle. Ms.
Goodman was approached by Moti Vinograd as a potential sponsor for Fine Arts.
It was suggested the drumming circle perform again next year.
Discussion turned to the spring concert. Ms. Rojas suggested adding a
caricature artist to the event. Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve up to
$200 for a caricature artist for the April spring concert. Motion seconded
by Ms. Gutchess and approved by Commission members with the
exception of Mr. Stock who voted against this motion. Mr. Kodsi volunteered
to work with the caricature artist for Ms. Rojas since she will be on vacation.
Discussion turned to the Latino 500. Ms. Ackley related that since the grant
received is specifically for a library event, the Commission cannot use the $1000
received for the event. Councilman Mac Glinn will sponsor the cigar rolling. Ms.
Rojas suggested that since this event is only 1.5 hours long, there should be
more focus on the artists and rein in all the event extras.
F.A.C. mtg., 3/8/16, pg. 2 of 2
Critique of the event invite/brochure was made at this time. The cost of 50 cigars
is $195 (25 rolled @ event and 25 previously rolled). Bob Bourne will purchase
the rum for the guarapo and provide wine. Guarapo is estimated to cost $100.
The Village will allow rum at the event with the condition that no money can be
exchanged at the event. Musician Michel Gonzalez will charge $200 for the
event. Mr. Bruce suggested Efrain Luedo, a three-person band who could
perform for $200. Ms. Gutchess provided information for food; (100) croquetas
for $100 / (100) Dulce De Leche for $160. The total would be $260.
Flowers/table cloths/flag decoration are also needed. The cost for 120 magnets
will be $50. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve an additional $1000 to
cover costs for the Latino 500 event. Motion seconded by Mr. Kodsi and
unanimously approved.
The Commission received a $4000 grant from Unite Miami Shores for the spring
concert. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to spend up to $4000 for the spring
concert. Motion seconded by Ms. Goodman and unanimously approved.
The Commission received a $3000 grant for artist Lori Nozick’s art in public
places sculpture. Additional funds for the project come from John Challenor who
will sponsor $1000 and $1500 from the Commission’s budget. Mr. Kodsi made
a motion to approve $1500 to go towards Lori Nozick’s art in public places
project. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
It was suggested tabling discussion on the FY 2017 artists until the May meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.