2016-01-12 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on January 12, 2016.
Members Present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce
Janet Goodman Valentina Gutchess
Neil Kodsi Miryam Rojas
Michael Stock
Also Present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2015
meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep related that there is $6730 remaining in the FY 2016 budget.
Additional expenses include $300 for Unity Day and $700 for the Campfire
The Village Council is considering term limits for all the Village boards. Ms.
Ackley has been on the Commission for ten years and probably would be
affected by term limits.
It was noted the Fountainhead Tour is scheduled for January 16. The studio is
opening their doors to the public on this date. They only open their doors twice a
year for the public.
Discussion turned to Gallery Night. Michel Gonzalez recommended a
saxophone player for the event. The cost is $200 for two hours and the music is
similar to Kenny G. Mr. Stock volunteered to compile background music to play
that evening. Ms. Rojas made a motion for Mr. Stock to compile music for
Gallery Night and John Challenor will Wi-Fi the music into Village Hall.
Motion seconded by Ms. Gutchess and unanimously approved. Mr. Stock
made a motion to approve $50 for flowers for Gallery Night. Motion
seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved. Ms. Rojas volunteered
to contact Cypress Gardens Florist about sponsoring flower arrangements.
Discussion turned to the Campfire Concert. The proposed flyer was distributed
to the Commission for corrections. It was suggested that the Boy Scouts
maintain the fire pit. The drummers will perform from the stage. The food trucks
will serve from 6 pm – 9 pm. At this time Jefe’s, Sugar Yummy Mama and Pizza
F.A.C. mtg., 1/12/16, pg. 2 of 2
in Fuga have confirmed. Each food truck will pay $40. The schedule is as
follows: Drummers 7 – 7:30 p.m.; Chloe Dolandis 7:30 – 8:15 p.m.; Drummers
8:15 – 8:30 p.m.; Chloe Dolandis 8:30 – 9 p.m. Ms. Ackley suggested
distributing flyers to Doctors Charter School, MS Elementary and Horace Mann
to promote the concert. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve $200 for
posters/flyers for the Campfire Concert to distribute to area schools.
Motion seconded by Ms. Goodman and unanimously approved. There is no
alternate plan in case of rain.
Discussion turned to the Latino 500 on April 22. The art exhibit will feature three
artists. It was noted that Michel Gonzalez is available to perform. A suggestion
was made to have a short flamenco presentation with one dancer and guitarist.
The cost would be $400 for the duo for one hour. Ms. Rojas suggested instead
of a flamenco performance to compile a play list of different music representative
of the Latin influence in America. It was decided that flamenco is not reflective of
Latino 500. Another suggestion was made to have an area for cigar rolling.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.