2015-08-18 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on August 18, 2015.
Members Present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce
Janet Goodman Alan Poppe (via phone)
Michael Stock
Members Absent: Neil Kodsi Miryam Rojas
Also Present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Seth Bramson, Resident
Carol Kiesler
Brandon Deener
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Mr. Bruce distributed a layout of the area in the library that has been designated
for the archival exhibit. It was noted $1900 has been allocated in the budget for
photo enlargements for the exhibit. Mr. Bramson suggested that the final
pictures be retained in the Bramson archive after the exhibit and could be used in
the future. Mr. Bruce said that the Commission and Mr. Bramson need to meet
to select the pictures that will be used for the exhibit as there is a large selection
to choose from. Ms. Ackley suggested that the Commission meet at the library
on Sept. 1 to select the pictures for the exhibit. Mr. Bruce noted it is not just
photos to exhibit; there are also classified ads and advertisements that can be
selected. It was suggested that there be a slide show at the exhibit. Mr. Stock
made a motion to allocate $2750 for the archival exhibit. Motion seconded
by Ms. Goodman and unanimously approved. Mr. Bruce noted that Mr.
Bramson has about six or seven pictures of NE 2nd Avenue and Miami Shores.
The bulk of his pictures are of North Miami and El Portal. Mr. Stock suggested
allocating a certain area for Mr. Bramson to display his pictures. Mr. Estep
suggested Mr. Bramson keep his personal pictures that were blown up, but that
the library should retain custody of the remainder of the pictures that are
At this time Carol Kiesler introduced herself and Brandon Deener, a local artist,
to the Commission. Mr. Deener is an artist whose work is currently on display at
Pelican Grand Hotel. Mr. Deener is interested in possibly having an exhibit at the
F.A.C. mtg., 8/18/15, pg. 2 of 2
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2015,
meeting. Motion seconded by Ms. Goodman and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the Egret ad for the ‘Past In Pictures’. It was noted that the
price for an 8 unit ad has increased from $539 to $619.
Discussion turned to the fireside concert. It was related that Jack and Diane
offered that the rest of their band could perform at the event for an additional
$200. Ms. Ackley suggested the extra money be used for drummers. Sean
Dibble could perform solo for $125, a duo for $240 or a three-piece for $350. A
suggestion was made to move the concert to Constitution Park. There was also
a suggestion to have food trucks. Mr. Bruce made a motion to approve $2175
for the fireside concert. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously
approved. Ms. Goodman suggested called the event a ‘campside concert’
rather than a ‘fireside concert’.
Ms. Ackley related that Barry University and Brockway Library were contacted
about having a Latino 500 event. Barry applied for a $10,000 grant, with $1000
to go to the Commission and $1000 to Brockway. Ms. Ackley has solicited Carol
Damian from FIU and Silvia Lizama from Barry to help curate the event. The
money will need to be spent by June and have a Latino theme.
It was noted that the tentative date for the spring concert is either April 3 or April
10. The Commission listened to Palo (Afro Cuban music) and will need to get a
price quote from the band. It was suggested a library exhibit date of April 22 for
Latino 500. The date of Gallery Night was changed to January 22.
The three suggested artists for the January library exhibit are Kerry Ware, Kaylen
and Brandon Deener. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve Kaylen for the
January Gallery Night exhibit pending approval of the library board. Motion
seconded by Ms. Goodman and unanimously approved.
It was noted that the Council is asking that all Village Boards report to the
Council this year. The Commission will be reporting two times this year.
Discussion turned to Unity Day ideas for 2016. Ms. Goodman would like to have
a CD donation booth again. Ms. Ackley suggested having a drumming circle for
kids. Tentative scheduled times are 11:30-12:30 and 1:30-2:30.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.