2015-03-10 FAC Minutes Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on March 10, 2015. Members present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce Janet Goodman Neil Kodsi Alan Poppe Michael Stock Miryam Rojas Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Ms. Goodman noted that donations at the Debbie & Gary concert amounted to $7.75 and that $60 was collected in donations at Unity Day from the sale of CDs. Ms. Ackley gave a grant report noting that the Commission received $3000 from Unite Miami Shores and $2000 from the Miami Shores Community Alliance. It was related the attendance at the Debbie & Gary concert was very low. Ms. Ackley suggested that the Commission may want to have an artist invitation printed for Friday Night Live events to help promote attendance. It was reported that the 8 unit ad for the Commission’s spring concert featuring The Livesays is in the March Egret as well as the Village newsletter. Carlos Innocente Gonzalez’s will finish and seal the Unity Day picture and has agreed to donate the picture. Both the Field House and the Library expressed interest in having the picture. It was noted that it would be nice if the picture stays in the Village rather than auctioning/raffling it off. The picture is 4 ft. x 8 ft. Mr. Stock suggested loaning the picture to a business in the Shores. Mr. Estep will look at areas in the recreation center to exhibit the picture. Ms. Rojas suggested auctioning the picture to help bring attention to the Commission. Another option is to raffle it at the spring concert and sell tickets for $10 each. Mr. Bruce suggested displaying the picture with smaller photos around it showing the progression of the piece. Ms. Goodman said to display it for a year to generate interest and then sell it the following year. Mr. Ackley said that Mr. Gonzalez will be at the spring concert and will be introduced at intermission. Ms. Rojas suggested having posters/invitations for Mr. Munchlee’s April library exhibit at the concert. Discussion turned to the April library exhibit. Commission member discussed the layout of the poster/invitations. This is an adult event even though it is a children’s book. The author of the book will be present, not the illustrator. There will be an event at the library the day after the exhibit for children. Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve an April Egret 4 unit ad for $299 with a design fee of $75 for a total of $375. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved. Commission members suggested music at the exhibit. Mr. Stock will contact the flutist to see if she is available. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to approve $75 for a flutist and explore other options if needed. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved. F.A.C. mtg., 3/10/15, pg. 2 of 2 Discussion turned to the plaque for the Art in Public Places sculpture (Totem series) on the north lawn of Village Hall. Mr. Estep will need the verbage for the sculpture and then can request a quote. Ms. Ackley will have options to review at the April meeting. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to set aside $200 for a bronze plaque for the art in public places sculpture on the north lawn. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved. Discussion turned to new business. Mr. Bruce suggested a vintage photo contest. It was also suggested that the Commission reach out to Miami Shores author Seth Bramson. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.