2014-03-11 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on March 11, 2014.
Members present: Susan Ackley Janet Goodman
Maria Echevarri Taddeo Miryam Rojas
Abbie Salt David Traupman
Members absent: Michael Stock
Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Ms. Salt made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2014, meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously approved.
At this time Janet Goodman was introduced as the newest member of the Commission.
Advertising rates for Biscayne Times was distributed to members as an additional
means for added attendance for the April artist reception. Ms. Taddeo said there are
great turnouts when the Commission collaborates with other groups; for example, O
Cinema and Dance Now. Mr. Traupman says advertising is targeting Miami Shores, but
the Egret is also delivered to Biscayne Park and El Portal. It was suggested the
Commission take advantage of free community listings. It was suggested tabling further
discussion on advertising in Biscayne Times until September.
Discussion turned to art in public places artist Daniel Fiorda. Brandi Reddick who is with
Miami-Dade County Art in Public Places has offered to look for alternate artists with
outdoor sculptures. Ms. Ackley suggested postponing convening a PAC until a second
artist is suggested so the PAC can have options. It was suggested that June 10 be the
deadline to have an alternate artist submitted then make a decision.
Discussion turned to the October library exhibit. Alicia Christine has been approved by
the library. Ms. Christine prefers an October exhibit rather than a January exhibit. A
tentative date of October 10 was selected pending the Chamber’s selection of a date for
their Green Day event.
The spring concert is scheduled for March 23. Flyers will be distributed to area schools.
The Commission discussed having a 3X8 banner made for $150. Sign-a-Rama has
banners for $135. Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve up to $100 for concert
flyers to be distributed to two schools. Motion seconded by Ms. Taddeo and
unanimously approved.
Mr. Estep has received a quote of $711.50 for an 18”X9” plaque for the 9/11 Memorial.
Ms. Salt made a motion to approve $711.50 for the 9/11 plaque with the money to
F.A.C. mtg., 3/11/14, pg. 2 of 2
come out of the Commission’s donation account. Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas
and unanimously approved.
Ms. Ackley reported that the Miami Shores Community Alliance awarded the
Commission $7300, which is the entire amount that was requested.
Discussion turned to the Photo Op contest. Ms. Taddeo said that the same people are
voting on the same pictures multiple times. Mr. Estep said that perhaps the contest has
run its course and suggested holding it again in a few years. It was decided to table
further discussion until a later date.
Mr. Estep related that the Commission has $232.49 in its’ FY ’14 budget and $2835.16
in the donation account minus the 9/11 plaque funds.
It was noted there was a good turnout for Dance Now; it was very professional. Some
members said the program was a little too long. It was suggested that next time the
program should be performed at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. But it was added that
the program should be in Miami Shores since it was funded by the Commission.
Ms. Salt made a motion to approve $50 for a book donation for Memorial Day, with
the funds coming from the donation account. Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and
unanimously approved. Ms. Goodman offered to bring book suggestions to the April
Discussion turned to new business. Ms. Ackley said that she is involved in community
outreach on behalf of the Commission and encouraged all members to do likewise with
an outreach program of their choosing. Ms. Ackley has partnered with Heidi Hewes as
part of their outreach to fund artists to go into hospitals using art therapy for sick children
with donated art work. Ms. Ackley would like the Commission to be known as a partner
for community outreach. Members felt that using the Fine Arts Commission’s name in
outreach programs should be approved by all Commission members.
Ms. Salt made a motion to form a subcommittee to discuss the Miami-Dade grant
application. Discussion followed this motion. It was noted that Mayor Holly would like
to delve further into grants for special events. It was related that these grants are very
involved and time consuming ventures. Mr. Benton has given approval to proceed
further, and Ms. Salt has opened an account. It was noted that the Commission is not
qualified for a Knight Foundation grant as this is a matching type of grant. Ms. Taddeo
suggested that local banks donate money. Motion seconded by Ms. Taddeo and
unanimously approved. Ms. Salt and Ms. Ackley will form the subcommittee.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.