2014-01-14 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on January 14, 2014.
Members present: Susan Ackley Miryam Rojas
Maria Echevarri Taddeo David Traupman
Members absent: Abbie Salt Michael Stock
Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.
Mr. Traupman made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2013,
meeting. Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously approved.
It was noted that there is $1024 remaining in the Fine Arts FY 2014 budget and $1950 in
the Fine Arts donation account.
Discussion turned to The Muppet Movie. Refreshments will be handled through O
Cinema. Commission members will be responsible for ticket sales and will act as
ushers, with the movie starting at 7:00 p.m.
It was noted that Dance Now will provide their own liability insurance for an extra cost of
$150. Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve an additional $150 for liability
insurance for the Dance Now performance. Motion seconded by Ms. Taddeo and
unanimously approved. Dance Now has forwarded a press package to Mr. Traupman
for a press release.
It was noted that the deadline to submit photos for the Photo Op contest is Feb. 21.
Discussion turned to the Miami Shores Community Alliance grant. Ms. Ackley
suggested that one of the other Commission members write the grant this year to give it
a fresh perspective. Last year the Commission asked for a $5300 grant; $5000 for the
spring concert and $300 for refreshments for the artist receptions (3 receptions @
$100/each). Ms. Taddeo volunteered to write the grant and then have Ms. Salt look it
over for editing/corrections. It was suggested adding an additional $2000 into the grant
for art in public places.
Discussion turned to the October library artists. Suggested artists are Sarah Stevens
(acrylic paintings), Alissa Christine (365 photo diary) and Federico Bianchi (abstract
photographer). The Commission asked to see more of Sarah Stevens work. It was
noted that Ms. Stevens’ art comes in a variety of dimensions for display. Commission
members decided to hold off on exhibits featuring Ms. Stevens and Mr. Bianchi at this
time. Mr. Traupman made a motion to select Alissa Christine as the artist for the
October library exhibit. Motion seconded by Ms. Taddeo and unanimously
F.A.C. mtg., 1/14/14, pg. 2 of 2
approved. It was noted that the April 25 library exhibit featuring Jorge Pantoja still
needs to be confirmed with the library.
The Commission discussed whether they wanted a full page ($700) or 8-unit ad ($500)
in the March Egret. Ms. Rojas made a motion to approve an 8-unit ad in the March
Egret for $500. Motion seconded by Ms. Taddeo and unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.