MINUTES_PZ17-12-14December 14, 2017 THURSDAY, 6:30 P.M. In attendance: David Dacquisto, Planning and Zoning Director Travis Kendall, Planning and Zoning Director Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney Mariana Gracia, Clerk I) CALL TO ORDER Mr. Harrison Bergman, Mr. Daniel Brady, Ms. Irene Hegedus, Mr. David Snow, Chairman John Busta. II) BOARD MEMBER DISCLOSURES Chairman Busta disclosed that he had visited all three new items on the Agenda. III) SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES 1) SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES BY VILLAGE ATTORNEY: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." IV) ACTION ITEMS: PUBLIC HEARINGS; I) CONTINUED ITEMS: 1) None II) MINUTES 1) November 9, 2017 Mr. Brady made a Motion to approve the minutes of November 9, 2017, Mr. Snow seconded the Motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. III) TABLED ITEMS 1) None IV) NEW ITEMS �►! °,�,s yf MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE DEPARTMENT PLANNING &ZONING � N 10050 NE 2n1 Avenue Miami Shores, FL 33037 -2304 www.miamishoresvillage.com �coRm� Main Number: 305 - 795 -2207 Fax Number: 305 - 756 -8972 Travis Kendall, Director MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Village Hall Council Chambers 10050 NE 2 11 Avenue, Miami Shores December 14, 2017 THURSDAY, 6:30 P.M. In attendance: David Dacquisto, Planning and Zoning Director Travis Kendall, Planning and Zoning Director Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney Mariana Gracia, Clerk I) CALL TO ORDER Mr. Harrison Bergman, Mr. Daniel Brady, Ms. Irene Hegedus, Mr. David Snow, Chairman John Busta. II) BOARD MEMBER DISCLOSURES Chairman Busta disclosed that he had visited all three new items on the Agenda. III) SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES 1) SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES BY VILLAGE ATTORNEY: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." IV) ACTION ITEMS: PUBLIC HEARINGS; I) CONTINUED ITEMS: 1) None II) MINUTES 1) November 9, 2017 Mr. Brady made a Motion to approve the minutes of November 9, 2017, Mr. Snow seconded the Motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. III) TABLED ITEMS 1) None IV) NEW ITEMS 1) PZ- 12- 14 -17- 20159: 1139 NE 105th Street, (Owner /applicant) Wesler Torres, (Agent) None; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations and Sec. 600. Site plan review and approval required for an addition. Motion to approve subject to Staff Recommendations by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Bergman and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. 2) PZ- 12- 14 -17- 20161: 9204 NE 3rd Avenue, (Owner) Schroeder- Delaney (Agent) Victor Bruce; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations and Sec. 600. Site plan review for a rear addition. Motion to approve subject to Staff Recommendations by Mr. Snow, seconded by Mr. Brady and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. 3) PZ- 12- 14 -17- 20160: 102 NE 109th Street, Miami Shores FL 33161, (Owner) Elan Hersh (Agent) None; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations and Sec. 600. Site plan review and approval required for an addition. Motion to approve subject to Staff Recommendations adding a Covenant to assure that it remains a single family property by Ms. Hegedus, seconded by Mr. Brady and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. VII) Public Hearing Items a) 2025 Comprehensive Plan Mr. Travis Kendall gave a brief introduction and explanation about the item and also that we are now behind schedule. He then turned it over to the Board for discussion. The Board asked questions. The Board expressed concern about discussing the item without further review of this information. The Board suggested to table the item until further review. Public Hearing was opened. There was no public present for this item. Public Hearing was then closed. The Board requested to table the matter until further review. Mr. Kendall made a recommendation to have each Board member call him individually to discuss the item further. The Board asked questions. There was further explanation by Staff regarding the item. The Board expressed concerns about the item and would like further explanation by Staff. There was some discussion by the Board regarding the plan. Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2017 Mr. Sarafan gave an overview of the Comprehensive Plan to give the Board some of the background behind the drafting of this plan. The Board discussed the Comprehensive Plan and proposed our goals for discussion of this item. Staff recommends that this item should be discussed by the Board as soon as possible. The Board proposed that this item be discussed soon. The Board members concurred for further discussion of the issue with Staff, They wanted to bring the item for discussion at our next hearing on January 25, 2018. The Board asked questions. Motion to table until January 25, 2018 by Mr. Snow, seconded by Mr. Brady and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. b) Seawall Ordinance Mr. Travis Kendall gave a brief overview of the item and recommended that this item be moved into the Code. The Board asked questions about the item. Staff specified that this change is only for new construction. Mr. Sarafan noted section (e) to be clarified by Staff. Mr. Kendall agrees to make the changes in the Ordinance. There was extensive discussion by the Board regarding Seawalls. Motion to approve with the amendment set forth by Staff by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr. Snow and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. c) Landscape Ordinance Mr. Travis Kendall gave instructions regarding the new documents provided to the Board by Staff about the Landscape Ordinance. Public Hearing now open. There is no public present. Public Hearing now closed. Mr. Sarafan passed on to the Board the red lined document so that the Board members can review it. The Board asked questions about item #4 of the Ordinance. Mr. Sarafan briefly explained the item. The Board requested that we have more public input. Mr. Sarafan gave a brief explanation of the Ordinance from a legal view point. Discussion about the Ordinance by the Board and Staff took place at this time. The Board asked questions. Staff informs the Board that the item had been properly advertised to the public. Motion to approve by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr. Snow and the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion. Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2017 VIII) DISCUSSION a) Rear Additions of less than 750 Sq feet, attached to and behind the existing structure which are not visable from the public right -of -way are to be reviewed administratively. Mr. Travis Kendall gave a brief review of the process to approve renovations and additons administratively instead of them coming to the Board. The Board asked questions and discussed the item. There was discussion at length of the percentage of structure addition necessary to bring the item before the Board. Mr. Sarafan states that there seems to be consensus by the Board members for further discussion. Mr. Kendall explains the parameters and criteria that the applications should meet to be administratively accepted. The Board had a brief discussion about the item. End of discussion. b) Subdivision of Lots Ordinance Change Mr. Travis Kendall gave a brief introduction about the Subdivision of lots Ordinance. He gave all the dimensions for the lots required by the ordinance. He mentioned double lots and how they should be treated. The Board asked questions. There was discussion about multiple lots and the subdivision of such lots. The Board asked questions about the average lot size in Miami Shores. Discussion by the Board about the lot subdivisions took place at this time. There is consensus by the Board to bring this item forth in the near future. c) Electronic Packages /Online review Mr. Travis Kendall is recommending for the Board to agree on receiving electronic packages with the allocation of tablets that would be given to the Board. The Board spoke about the paper packages being better because they make notes on these papers when preparing for the meeting. Discussion by Board took place about the proposed recommendation. End of discussion. IX) NEXT REGULAR BOARD HEARING — January 25, 2017, X) ADJOURNMENT Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting 4 Minutes: December 14, 2017 a) Adj ourn Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if person decides to appeal any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Miami Shores Village complies with the provisions of the American with Disability Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, including materials in accessible format, a sign language interpreter (5 days' notice required), or information, please notify the Village Clerk's office of such need at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance. Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2017