Board Minutes PZ 12-12-13_unbound MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 10050 NE 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL 33037-2304 www.miamishoresvillage.com Main Number: 305-795-2207 Fax Number: 305-756-8972 David A. Dacquisto AICP, CFM, Director MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Village Hall Council Chambers 10050 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami Shores December 13, 2012 Thursday, 7:00 P.M. I. ROLL CALL Present: Richard Fernandez, Chair, Sid Reese, John Busta, Victor Bruce, Robert Abramitis. II. BOARD MEMBER DISCLOSURES III. ACTION ITEMS: PUBLIC HEARINGS Motion to table Public Hearing to end of meeting. Moved by Robert Abramitis, Seconded by Sid Reese. Motion passed unanimously. a. Amendment of Appendix A Zoning, of the Miami Shores Village Code of Ordinances. During the regularly scheduled Council Meeting of Tuesday, September18, 2012, the Village Council requested that the Planning and Zoning Board review Appendix A Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances and recommend appropriate amendments. Staff reviewed the zoning code and with planning board and village council participation has prepared an amended zoning code for referral to the planning board for their consideration at a public hearing to be held during the regular planning board meeting of December 13, 2012. The planning board shall make a written report thereof to the village council, which report shall contain the proposed amendment, and the findings and recommendations of the board. IV. MINUTES a. November 8, 2012 Motion: Approve minutes subject to corrections and additions. Action: Accept, Moved by Sid Reese, Seconded by John Busta. Minutes approved unanimously. V. SCHEDULED ITEMS SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES BY VILLAGE ATTORNEY: “Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” TABLED ITEMS Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Agenda: December 13, 2012 2 1. Motion: Lift tabled item PZ-10-12-201238. Moved by Robert Abramitis, Seconded by John Busta Motion moved unanimously. PZ-10-12-201238.1550 NE 103rd Street, (Owner) Mark Llerena, (Applicant) Same, (Agent) Same; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Special site plan review and approval, waterfront property. Front façade improvements, a fence in front yard and an attached pergola at the rear. Mr. Dacquisto provided background information, summarized the information on the staff report and read the staff recommendation and conditions of approval into the record. Mr. Llerena and architect Maurice Candela were present and presented new amended plans to board. Mr. Abramitis asked staff if architect or registered engineer must present plans in order to pull a building permit. Staff mentioned that our zoning code is very specific and drawings must be designed by a registered architect or registered engineer. Board analyzes drawing. Maurice Candela is representing firm and addressed board with regards to design and picture to match plans. He also mentioned his firm does have registered architects. Construction materials include CBS construction and stone veneer. Mr. Bruce asked if side elevation and front will look exactly the same and answer was yes. Board discussed plans and them not being consistent with the rendering. Clarification is presented on look of home. Front wall stucco fence. Pergola will be located in the back tied to the back edge of property. Mr. Chairman asked materials used for fence. Mr. Bruce’s requested that the owner not use sheet metal for the scupper on the monumental wall around the garage door. Mr. Chairman addressed landscaping plan and in order to soften look. Mark Llerena property owner expressed that his property will indeed have landscaping and his intent is to make property better. Mr. Reese gave feedback regarding layout and plans not matching picture presented. Mr. Busta would like to see a motion that includes corrected plans be submitted that addresses elevation concern and submittal of a landscape design. Mr. Bruce approves redesign. Mr. Abramitis is concerned that if a motion is made, it be articulated to state precisely what the board requests. Mr. Bruce addresses boards concerns about north side elevation and points out that plans do show what final product will look like. Mr. Chairman requests that staff give suggestions on how to proceed regarding clarity of plans. Staff recommends that architect correct drawings to reflect the rendering. Motion: Approve the design based on a having a corrected side elevation plan subject of approval by the planning director. A landscaping plan is also submitted and the scupper will not be sheet metal. Subject to staff recommendations. Moved by Victor Bruce, seconded by Sid Reese. Motion passed unanimously. NEW ITEMS 1. PZ-11-12-201239: 41 NW 109th Street, (Owner) Viviane Sanchez, (Applicant) Same, (Agent) None; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and IV of Appendix A Zoning, Special site plan review and approval. Metal roof. Mr. Dacquisto provided background information, summarized the information on the staff report and read the staff recommendation and conditions of approval into the record. Ms. Sanchez was present and chose color of roof. Motion: Approve application subject to staff recommendations and roof color is almond. Moved by Victor Bruce, seconded by Sid Reese. Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Agenda: December 13, 2012 3 2. PZ-11-12-201240: 184 NW 97th Street, (Owner) Robert Hobbs, (Applicant) Same, (Agent) Mark Campbell; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Special site plan review and approval. Garage conversion, bathroom and family room addition and metal roof. Mr. Dacquisto provided background information, summarized the information on the staff report and read the staff recommendation and conditions of approval into the record. Mr. Bruce asked staff about 5 foot setback of that garage. Staff mentioned they are in compliance because driveway was removed. Mr. Mark Campbell made his presentation and presented a letter from neighbor accepting renovation to property. Mr. Campbell addressed current driveway conditions and corrections that will be made and made presentation of new additions. Mr. Busta asked about metal roof manufacturer. Mr. Campbell mentioned this company is Miami Dade approved. Mr. Bruce asked about color of skylights frame and tint on glass. Mr. Abramitis asked about skylights that will be cut into the roof. Mr. Busta asked if the water heater tank will be removed and Mr. Campbell mentioned it would be removed. Adam Rice neighbor commented on approval of plans. Motion: Approve garage conversion, bathroom expansion and family room subject staff recommendations. Moved by John Busta, Seconded by Sid Reese. Mr. Campbell addresses roof color and what it will look like. Approve Sandstone color of roof subject to staff recommendations. Moved by John Busta, Seconded by Sid Reese. Motion passed unanimously. 3. PZ-11-12-201241: 9165 Park Drive, (Owner) Devinella LLC, (Applicant) Same, (Agent) Mark Campbell; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Special site plan review and approval. Front and rear wall sign. Mr. Dacquisto provided background information, summarized the information on the staff report and read the staff recommendation and conditions of approval into the record. Mr. Chairman asked if there are any similar signs on the back of the building. Mr. Campbell was present and gave presentation and mentioned how he calculated the height signage. Signs will consist of individually unlit letters. Staff asked about reducing size of lettering. Mr. Abramitis addressed concerns about having a sign in the back of the building since this place of business was not a vendor, rather a place if you needed to be there you would know where you were going. Mr. Campbell mentioned the need of some type of identification. Mr. Chairman addressed his concerns on signs in a residential area. Board addressed sign in back of the building to keep along similar style as neighbors. Mr. Abramitis is concerned about signage on back of building and Chairman Mentions because of previous experience having a business at that location; a lot of people do not know where Park Drive is. Mr. Bruce suggested sign also be moved to the south side and placed under the eave. Mr. Campbell mentioned letters are black and would be mounted directly on the wall. Approve signage in front of building with stated adjustments. Rear signage just have numeric numbers. Moved by John Busta. No Second. Motion Failed for lack of second. Approve signage in front of building and rear of building just includes the street address. Moved by John Busta, Seconded by Victor Bruce. Discussion by board. Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Agenda: December 13, 2012 4 Motion withdrawn by John Busta, second withdrawn by Victor Bruce. Motion: Deny the application as submitted and approve signage on both the west elevation and the front, which is the front of the building and the east elevation which is the back of the building to allow only the address of the building in 8 inch lettering in black and the one on the back elevation should be centered under the eave and should be attached to the surface of the building non illuminated. Front of building approve the lettering in the sign application Cancer Healthcare Associates Oncology Center, etc. in any matter that is approved by the planning official on the doors and subject to staff recommendations. Moved by Robert Abramitis, Seconded by Sid Reese. Motion passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Amendment of Appendix A Zoning, of the Miami Shores Village Code of Ordinances. Public Hearing Open Mark Campbell was present and went through a couple of items after reviewing code amendments such as living ground cover measurements, 6 Ft. Height Fence, structural elements, PVC materials and the deterioration on that type of material and incorporating composite wood in the code. Norman Bruhn, building official made comments regarding the 5ft fence requirement and how it is a characteristic of Miami Shores. Board members make their recommendations. Public Hearing Closed Board members go through list of items that need to be reviewed. The removal of levels of service is discussed, whether all levels of service or specifically the golf course is removed from the zoning code. Board voted to keep 5 ft. fences, not allow PVC fences, remove package stores from list of permitted uses in B1 district, removed multifamily dwellings from list of permitted uses in Pro district. The board asked that the planning director rewrite the variance section to be clearer. Board members discuss holding a future workshop in order to finalize code revision and request that staff organize the meeting. VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Possible workshop date to consider code amendments for planning board review and recommendation. VII. NEXT WORKSHOP – None Scheduled a. None. Miami Shores Village, Planning Board Meeting Agenda: December 13, 2012 5 VIII. NEXT REGULAR HEARING – January 24, 2013. a. Regular agenda. b. Public hearing on zoning amendments may be continued. IX. ADJOURNMENT Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if person decides to appeal any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Miami Shores Village complies with the provisions of the American with Disability Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, including materials in accessible format, a sign language interpreter (5 days notice required), or information, please notify the Village Clerk’s office of such need at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance.